Success Requires Sacrifices

Whoever wants to build a business has to think about how that’s going to work with the other aspects of their lives. I think that to a certain extent these sacrifices apply to Niche Websites owners, at least for a while.

Have you listened to an Internet Marketer Video or Webinar? Or read one of their e-Books? Did they talk about how hard their life was when they got started? In many cases, they were poor, had to go to a sad job, or just lost their job after 10 years of working hard for that employer… And then they finally found out how to make it work for them and made a ton of money online. Some are just starting and they may not yet be that rich… But some, like Frank Kern, made it to the top, for sure. So it does happen. In case of Frank, he talks about how he lived in that small apartment and could barely feed himself. Continue reading “Success Requires Sacrifices”

8 Steps to Change Your WordPress Niche Website Domain Name

As an Internet Affiliate, you are always on the lookout (at least I think you should be) and once in a while, you will want to change your Domain Name. This can be useful if your first choice was not available when you first created your Niche Website and it becomes available later at a decent price. Especially, since at first you are going to earn peanuts (when you create your first website,) you want to look into getting a cheap dot-com and not attempt to purchase an expensive domain name (hundreds if not thousands of dollars) unless you have that kind of money to start with. Note that, as I recommend, you decided to use Bluehost, then you get the dot-com included with your hosting. No extra cost to it. But you still want to not look at a premium domain name. Also please stick to a dot-com. Other extensions are fun and all but it’s difficult to get people to go to such websites. All large websites use a dot-com at the moment. Continue reading “8 Steps to Change Your WordPress Niche Website Domain Name”

15 Things to Avoid as an Affiliate is always working hard to protect their brand and one aspect of that is to check on their affiliate’s websites and making sure that they all are following their terms & conditions. Whenever you sign up as an Internet Affiliate with Amazon or any other company, you are actually bound by contract (even if you don’t feel like reading that contract then… it still applies to you!)

The point for Amazon is they want to keep it clear that when you send people to their website, it is because you want to make money. But they also want to keep their brand in good standing and they have to protect their data which includes the pictures of the products their offer, among other things. Continue reading “15 Things to Avoid as an Affiliate”

Mistakes to Avoid as an Internet Affiliate

Like with any sort of job, you want to make sure you become as efficient as possible with your Internet Affiliate endeavor. Optimize your Niche Website and work on it until it’s complete. Remember that it won’t generate any money right away. It will take a few months. Some niches may be faster, but chances are it will take your Niche Website some time to really start getting the number of clicks needed for you to start seeing money coming in.

Another important point: We all make mistakes. We actually are better at learning when we make a mistake, I think. The point is that if you don’t start your Niche Website or some other business just because you are afraid of making mistakes, well… you’re likely to never find a way to build an automatic recurring income. The Internet is an amazing tool to do that, though. Pretty cheap to get started contrary to the old days of needing a few million dollars just to open a brick and mortar store that you are not even sure will produce a return on investment. Continue reading “Mistakes to Avoid as an Internet Affiliate”

Keeping Some Level of Security In Mind

As you are working on the Internet, you most certainly want to keep a certain level of security for yourself and your website.

For your website, it is particularly important, especially if that website becomes your livelihood. You wouldn’t want to lose your income from one day to the next (another reason for having multiple sources of incomes, putting all your eggs in the same basket is dangerous unless you go really big and have people to help you keep the site up and running.) Continue reading “Keeping Some Level of Security In Mind”

Do You Know of The One Thing Google Really Doesn’t Like?

Since we are talking about you writing reviews and such about products and services, you should know one very important thing about Google. They don’t like one thing and that one thing will get your site down-ranked (possibly even de-indexed, but I don’t think it would get that bad, however, very low ranking pages means very minimal traffic):


I’m sure that sounds weird to you. How could the one Internet company that makes an atrociously large amount of money off of the Internet, not like money? Continue reading “Do You Know of The One Thing Google Really Doesn’t Like?”

I got a letter saying I should be careful as I’m about to lose my domain name?! (but I bought it less than a year ago??)


Ah! Welcome to reality.

I’ve got many domain names and I always receive many emails (rarely snail mail letters) which tell me that either I’m about to lose my email or that someone else got my domain and they want to make sure that I know it’s going to be owned by someone else.

Now that you have your own Niche Website and your own Domain Name you’re also going to receive such emails. At least, people who are trying to sell you a website (I got many calls like that too!) are trying to get my business, but domain name scams aren’t a normal business. Those guys are thieves. Continue reading “I got a letter saying I should be careful as I’m about to lose my domain name?! (but I bought it less than a year ago??)”

Time Management For Success in Any Enterprise (including Niche Websites)

One of the main problem for a lot of people when they start a business is to do it as a commitment, especially because at first you don’t make any money at all. Building a business is actually often the opposite: it requires some capital. For example, to create an affiliate marketing system, you want to get a domain name and a website that you host somewhere such as BlueHost. Such costs are minimal at first for a simple affiliate website. Other types of business models may require a lot more capital (some can easily be in the millions.)

In other to achieve your goal of having a working Niche Website with affiliate links that get clicked is to make sure you will find the time to work on your website and do the right things. In our case, one of the most important parts is going to be to write the content. This takes quite a bit of time. On my end, I can get 100 ideas in a day, no problem there, however, writing each page with at least 2,000 words, can take me a good 8 hours if that’s not a subject I’ve already worked on before. This is because I’m going to do some serious research on the matter before working on it. Continue reading “Time Management For Success in Any Enterprise (including Niche Websites)”

How Do I Make Sure a Page Is Valid?

Me Pointing at You

Whenever I work on a website, I create new pages and then I want to test to make sure that those pages work.

First of all, I write my pages on a normal computer, not my smartphone where it would be excruciating. Typing on a tiny keyboard and getting half the words misspelled is not really much fun. I know I can also use the speaker and talk on my phone and that works somewhat, although many times I use a special word and it’s really hard for the system to get those right. Also, I use abbreviates such as SEO and that too the phone voice system does not generally get those correctly. Continue reading “How Do I Make Sure a Page Is Valid?”

SEO: Internal Links

What is an Internal Link?

When creating a Niche Website, with WordPress or another CMS, what you want is to help your user find various things on your site.

For example, my site here talks about getting an Internet Website Hosting Company. However, on that page, I warn my readers that when they are presented with the WordPress installation screens to actually make sure they choose their username wisely—there are other things to be careful about, but this one is a major problem, because the names “admin” and “administrator” are 100% compromised. Continue reading “SEO: Internal Links”